Fulton, MO Weather: A Comprehensive Guide to Current and Historical Conditions - Savannah Carpenter

Fulton, MO Weather: A Comprehensive Guide to Current and Historical Conditions

Current Weather Conditions

Fulton mo weather

Fulton mo weather – Fulton, Missouri is currently experiencing mild weather conditions with a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity levels hovering around 65%. The sky is partly cloudy, with a gentle breeze blowing from the west at 10 miles per hour.

For the most accurate and up-to-date weather information, visit fulton mo weather. Stay informed about the latest weather conditions and forecasts, ensuring you’re prepared for any weather changes in Fulton, MO.

24-Hour Forecast, Fulton mo weather

Over the next 24 hours, Fulton can expect a gradual increase in temperature, reaching a high of 75 degrees Fahrenheit by tomorrow afternoon. Humidity levels will remain relatively stable, fluctuating between 60% and 70%. There is a 30% chance of precipitation overnight, mostly in the form of light rain. Wind speeds will remain moderate, ranging from 10 to 15 miles per hour.

The weather in Fulton, MO, has been relatively calm lately, with sunny skies and mild temperatures. However, recent reports of tornado warnings in Broward County serve as a reminder that severe weather can strike at any time. While the likelihood of a tornado touching down in Fulton is low, it’s always important to be prepared and have a plan in place in case of an emergency.

Fulton residents should stay informed about weather conditions and follow the guidance of local officials.

Historical Weather Data: Fulton Mo Weather

Fulton mo weather

Fulton, Missouri, has a humid continental climate, with hot, humid summers and cold, snowy winters. The average temperature in July is 80.2°F (26.8°C), while the average temperature in January is 26.6°F (-3.0°C). The city receives an average of 42.7 inches (108.5 cm) of precipitation per year, with the majority of it falling during the spring and summer months.

Monthly Average Temperatures and Precipitation

Month Average Temperature (°F) Average Precipitation (inches)
January 26.6 2.6
February 31.5 2.4
March 43.2 3.3
April 55.4 4.2
May 65.6 5.2
June 74.5 4.6
July 80.2 4.1
August 78.6 3.7
September 69.5 3.6
October 57.9 3.1
November 43.5 2.9
December 32.4 2.6

The table above shows the monthly average temperatures and precipitation for Fulton, Missouri. The warmest month is July, with an average temperature of 80.2°F (26.8°C), while the coldest month is January, with an average temperature of 26.6°F (-3.0°C). The wettest month is May, with an average precipitation of 5.2 inches (13.2 cm), while the driest month is February, with an average precipitation of 2.4 inches (6.1 cm).

Notable Weather Patterns and Trends

Fulton, Missouri, has experienced a number of notable weather patterns and trends in recent years. One of the most notable trends has been the increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as tornadoes, floods, and droughts. These events have caused significant damage to property and infrastructure, and have also led to loss of life.

Another notable trend has been the gradual increase in average temperatures. This trend is consistent with the global trend of climate change, and is expected to continue in the future. The increase in temperatures is likely to have a number of negative consequences, such as increased heat-related illnesses, decreased air quality, and changes in plant and animal life.

Impact on Local Activities

Fulton printed

Current and forecasted weather conditions can significantly impact outdoor activities in Fulton, Missouri. Knowing what to expect can help you plan your activities and take necessary precautions.

For example, if rain or thunderstorms are predicted, it’s best to avoid outdoor activities like hiking or biking. Instead, consider visiting indoor attractions like the Fulton State Historic Site or the William Woods University Art Center.

Hiking and Biking

Hiking and biking trails in Fulton may become muddy and slippery during heavy rain. This can make it dangerous to navigate these trails, increasing the risk of falls and injuries. Additionally, lightning strikes are a hazard during thunderstorms, so it’s crucial to seek shelter indoors immediately if thunder is heard.

Outdoor Events

Outdoor events like concerts or festivals may be canceled or postponed due to inclement weather. It’s always a good idea to check with the event organizers before heading out to ensure it’s still taking place.

The Fulton, MO weather forecast predicts a clear day with a gentle breeze. However, news of a tornado warning in Broward County today has raised concerns for residents in the area. The National Weather Service has issued an urgent alert, urging people to seek shelter immediately.

While the Fulton, MO area is not directly affected by the storm, it serves as a reminder of the importance of staying informed about potential weather hazards.

The clouds that gathered over Fulton, Missouri, were a foreboding sight, their ominous presence promising a storm. Yet, as the rain began to fall, a flicker of hope emerged from the gloom. The Kalamazoo weather radar painted a clearer picture of the storm’s path, offering a beacon of guidance amidst the tempest.

With the radar’s assistance, the people of Fulton could track the storm’s progress, finding solace in the knowledge that the worst was yet to come.

The Fulton, MO weather has been unpredictable lately, with severe storms rolling through the area. The National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for Wellington, MO, and surrounding areas. Residents are urged to take shelter immediately. The storms are expected to continue throughout the evening, so it’s important to stay informed and take precautions to stay safe.

Keep an eye on local news and weather reports for updates on the Fulton, MO weather conditions.

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